AI Draw
Running solution

Running solution


  1. Cheap 1 year US Programs
  2. US VS Can
  3. Can Free Run
  4. Running Programs
  5. Manitoba Analysis
  6. Manitoba and NB
  7. Graduate Diploma for family benefits
  8. Points of notice

US Solution


University Program Span Application time Requirements Tuition Features
UCI MCS 15 months 2022.10.3~2023.3.1 TOEFL 80, IELTS 7(each >= 6), 3 rec letters around 50k
SJSU Bay area
USC Los Angelos
Santa Clara Bay area
USF San Francisco, Close to F, G
SFSU San Francisco, Close to F, G
UW-Tacoma Seattle
Northeastern University Seattle Seattle
NYU Tandon NY

US Visa

US Visa

Canada Solution


Check out BC PNP programs!

  • NEU Vancouver:

    • MSCS
    • 32 credits, 32×1450=46400
    • IELTS 7.5/TOEFL 100/Duolingo 125, GRE optional
    • tried to submit 2022.11.30, failed due to technical issues
    • submitted 12.1
    • offer 2023.3.14
  • FDU Vancouver:

    • MSACS
    • 2.75, GRE, 3 rec
    • PR after graduation!
    • paid not submitted, requires GRE and 3 rec, some said waived with a master degree(chinese degree eligible)
    • Needs last rec
    • offer 2023.2.14
  • NYIT

    • Only cybersecurity program provided
    • One year!
    • submitted 2022.11.14, check out
    • offer 2023.2.15
    • deposit paid but withdrawed from program due to NEU offer, 3240 USD deducted
  • SFU

    • Programs
      • Computer Science MSc(Course, Project, Thesis)
      • Master of Science in Professional Computer Science(Course, Project)
      • Big Data MSc(Not found)
      • Computing Science Dual Degree MSc(Thesis, not recommended)
      • Computing Science Non-Thesis MSc(Not found)
    • 3.0/4.33, 3/4(china), TOEFL 93(20 each), IELTS 7(6.5 each)
    • Apply
    • Needs IELTS and 3 recs
    • Needs last rec to submit
    • submitted 2023.1.19, may missed the deadline
  • TRU

  • UBC

    • App
    • Okanagan Programs
      • Master of Data Science
      • Master of Science in Computer Science
      • Master of Science in Computer Science in Interdisciplinary Studies
    • Vancouver Programs
      • Master of Data Science
      • Master of Software Systems
      • Master of Science in Bioinformatics
      • Master of Science in Computer Science
      • Master of Science in Computer Science Sub-Specialization in HumanComputer Interaction
      • Master of Applied Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering
    • Not accepting Duolingo, suspended.
  • UNBC

  • UVic

    • Programs
      • MSCS
      • Master of Applied Science in Computer Engineering
      • Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering
      • Master of Applied Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
      • Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering
      • Master of Engineering in Applied Data Science
      • Master of Science in Health Informatics
    • Low ranking, easier maybe
    • MEng in Applied Data Science is 1 year and no thesis!
    • Apply at official site
    • Apply at EducationPlannerBC
    • Duolingo not eligible, suspended.
    • two assessment reports, waiting.
    • Paid, waiting


此处主要分析OINP的Masters Graduate Stream项目。


  1. 必须受邀(受邀机制见OINP invitations to apply)
  2. 教育程度
  • 硕士学位
  • 至少一年课程
  • 在认可的大学列表中(2023年1月):Algoma University, Brescia University College (Affiliated with the University of Western Ontario), Brock University, Carleton University, Dominican University College, Huron University College (Affiliated with the University of Western Ontario), King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario, Lakehead University, Laurentian University, McMaster University, Nipissing University, Ontario College of Art & Design University, Queen’s University, Royal Military College of Canada, Ryerson University, Saint Paul University (Federated with the University of Ottawa), St. Jerome’s University (Federated with the University of Waterloo), Trent University, University of Guelph, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Ottawa, University of St. Michael’s College (Federated with the University of Toronto), University of Toronto, University of Trinity College (Federated with the University of Toronto), University of Waterloo, University of Windsor, Victoria University (Federated with the University of Toronto), Western University, Wilfrid Laurier University, York University
  1. 语言:英语或者法语至少达到CLB7。CLB对照表
  • CLB7: 6/6/6/6 CLB8: 7.5/6.5/6.5/6.5 CLB9: 8/7/7/7 CLB10: 8.5/8/7.5/7.5

Ontario EOI

  • Ontario Expression of interest

  • The EOI is comprised of two components, for a maximum EOI score of 200 points:

    • self-declared score (maximum 126 points)
    • business concept score (maximum 74 points)
  • OINP will assess and score your business concept. Your business concept will need to score at least 37 of the available 74 points (50%) to be placed in the EOI selection pool.

  • Whether you are issued an invitation to apply (ITA) is based on your EOI rank in the selection pool. Only the top ranked candidates are invited to apply.


  • Study/Work Permit: 10分
  • 收入:40k以上3分
  • STEM:12分
  • 教育经历:加拿大本地2年以上本一年以上硕:一个5分两个10分
  • 语言:
    • 官方语言(英法):一门5分
    • CLB7-4分 CLB8-6分 CLB9/10-10分
  • 地域:
    • Northern Ontario – 10 points
    • Other areas outside GTA (except Northern Ontario) – 8 points
    • Inside GTA (except Toronto) – 3 points
    • Toronto – 0 points


  1. Western University


  • Graduate diploma is cheap(cheaper than master), quick(often one year) and has low bars(lower than master).

  • Great for family. Spouse can get a work visa and kids can receive free compulsory education.

  • Even if not qualified for CS master, apply other majors like engineering, mechanics, auto repair, electrician can also get a job easily.

  • Manitoba is ideal for graduate diploma. One year diploma, get a job and IELTS 6/6/6/6 to apply. Said to be the easiest.

  • NB is even easier. Same as manitoba and can apply before graduation if got work experience.

  • UWinnipeg (Graduate diploma)

    • Network Security

    • Web Development

    • Artificial Intelligence

  • UManitoba (Graduate diploma)

    • Computer Science 2 years too long
    • No satisfying extended education program, gave up.
  • Red River Polytech (College)

  • University of Regina (Master)

  • Concordia University


  • 1 year program gives 1 year work permit, 2 year program gives 3 year work permit



  1. 哪些大学需要WES?
  2. 没忍住,我把WES学历认证曝光了..


  • World Education Services,帮助想在美国或是加拿大留学的学生提供本科成绩认证及学历认证。简单来说是为了统一国际生的GPA算法标准。


  • WES 提供的评估服务分为两种:WES ICAP和WES Basic。这两种又细分为Course-by-Course; Document-by-Document以及CPA Board Evaluation。
  • ICAP和Basic的区别在于,ICAP可以给申请者在WES系统里存档,以后需要WES报告的时候,WES会直接查看系统然后发报告给收件人。而Basic则是做完这一次报告之后WES系统里就不再有申请者的信息了。
  • 一般我们都选择ICAP,因为系统存档后,之后需要再寄送认证至申请学校时,直接在官网order就可以了。








申请ICAP Course by Course

  1. 选择 Standard Application->Graduate Admissions->添加学历(只认证最高学历)->

Study Permit(Student Direct Stream)

Proof of Financial Support

  • 📓 This case is for SDS only. Normal study permit may require more materials.

  • 可接受的材料:

    • your bank statements for the past four months
    • a bank draft in convertible currency
    • pay stubs
    • an employment letter
    • proof of assets or business
    • proof of payment of tuition and accommodation fees
    • tax reports, declarations or statements
    • proof of a student/education loan from a financial institution
    • a letter from the person or institution providing you with money
    • proof of funding paid from within Canada, if you have a scholarship or are in a Canadian-funded educational program
    • proof of a Canadian bank account in your name if money has been transferred to Canada
  • 我准备的材料:

  1. 纳税证明
  2. 工资流水:至少4个月
  3. 房本
  4. 大额定存
  5. 我没有的:股票、基金、车产
  • 文件格式:


Client Information

  1. Study Plan


  1. RNIP Vernon


Align: The Northeastern University Align program provides a direct path to a Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) for non-computer science majors without programming experience.




  1. 【电池】30分钟,让你成为半个锂电池专家
  2. 铁电池、三元锂、NCM都是啥?电动汽车电池,纯干货一文全知道!
  3. 常见圆柱电池型号


LiFePO4: LFP, 磷酸铁锂, 用磷酸铁锂作为正极材料的锂离子电池。
Ternary Lithium: 正极材料使用镍钴锰酸锂(Li(NiCoMn)O2)三元正极材料的锂电池,三元复合正极材料前驱体产品,是以镍盐、钴盐、锰盐为原料。
Cylindrical: 圆柱电池。
Prismatic: 方型电池。
LTO: lithium-titanium-oxide/lithium-titanate, 钛酸锂电池,一种用作锂离子电池负极材料-钛酸锂,可与锰酸锂、三元材料或磷酸铁锂等正极材料组成2.4V或1.9V的锂离子二次电池。
Polymer lithium: 聚合物电池。


  锂电池正极材料,是锂离子电池构成材料的一部分,直接影响着锂离子电池的性能,占有较大比例(正负极材料的质量比为3: 1~4:1)。


LCO: LiCoO2, Lithium Cobalt Oxide. 钴酸锂。
LNO: 镍酸锂。
LMO: LiMn2O4, Lithium Manganese Oxide. 锰酸锂。
NCM: 镍锰钴。
NCA: 镍钴铝。
LFP: 磷酸铁锂。


型号 描述
10440 10440电池是一种直径为10mm、高度为44mm的锂离子电池,与我们常称为7号电池的大小相同,这种电池容量一般很小,只有几百mAh,重要应用在迷你电子产品。例如手电筒、迷你音响、扩音器等。
14500 14500电池是一种直径为14mm、高度为50mm的锂离子电池,这也是我们一直称为5号电池的规格尺寸,这种电池一般是3.7V或者3.2V,标称容量比较小,比10440电池大一点,一般是1600mAh,放电性能优越,应用领域最重要是消费电子类,例如无线音响、电动玩具、数码相机等。
16340 16340电池是一种直径为16mm、高度为34mm的锂离子电池,这种电池由于尺高度矮一点,而且容量也不是很小,因此在强光手电筒、LED手电筒、头灯、激光灯、照明灯具等经常出现。
18650 18650电池是一种直径为18mm、高度为65mm的锂离子电池,它最大的特点是拥有非常高的能量密度,几乎达到170瓦时/千克,因此这种电池是性价比较好的电池,我们平时经常看见的多数是这种电池,因为它是比较成熟的锂离子电池,各方面系统质量稳定性较好,广泛适用于10千瓦时左右的电池容量场合,例如在、在手机、笔记本电脑等小型电器上。
21700 21700电池是一种直径为21mm、高度为70mm的锂离子电池,因为它的体积增大,空间利用率变大,电芯单体以及系统能量密度可得到提升,它的体积能量密度远高于18650型电池,广泛用于数码,电动汽车、平衡车、太阳能能锂离子电池路灯、LED灯、电动工具等。生产这种电池厂家重要有Tesla、三星、松下、比克、猛狮新能源等。
26650 26650电池是一种直径为26mm、高度为65mm的锂离子电池,标称电压3.2V、标称容量3200mAh,这种电池用拥有优秀的容量及高一致性等特点,已逐步成为代替18650电池趋势,在动力锂电池方面很多产品也将逐步青睐于此。



  1. 危包证是什么
  2. 各国认证


国家 名称 内容
中国 CQC CQC自愿性认证(标准:GB 31241-2015),锂电池作为零部件配合终端产品申请CCC强制认证需要;目前电商及网络平台均需提供盖有CNAS及CMA章的GB 31241报告。
中国 UN38.3 UN38.3报告及空海运鉴定书,航空/航海运输走货需要。
中国 BSMI BSMI认证 (标准:CNS 15364),锂电池进入台湾强制性准入要求
欧盟 CB CB认证(标准:IEC 62133:2012 2nd Edition),适用所有CB成员国,覆盖四大洲绝大多数成员国。
欧盟 EN 62133 EN 62133:2013 Report,锂电池进入欧盟成员国市场必须提供的安全性评估报告。
欧盟 CE-EMC CE-EMC 认证 (标准:EN 61000-6-1/EN 61000-6-3),用途:锂电池进入欧盟成员国市场必须提供的电磁兼容评估报告。
欧盟 ROHS & Reach Directive ROHS(六项)及Reach Directive(108项),锂电池进入欧盟成员国市场必须提供的化学成分评估报告。
欧盟 GOST GOST认证,用途:锂电池进入俄罗斯强制性准入要求。
北美 UL UL认证(标准:UL 1642/UL 2054/UL 60950),非强制性的安全性认证,一般是买家要求,美国UL机构发证。
北美 TUV-US TUV-US 认证(标准:UL 1642/UL 2054/UL 60950),用途:非强制性的安全性认证,一般是买家要求,北美莱茵机构发证。
北美 FCC FCC 认证 (标准:FCC Part 15B),美国强制性的EMC电磁兼容认证。
北美 CTIA CTIA认证 (标准:IEEE 1725/1625),北美电信运营商的强制性准入要求;IEEE 1725针对手机的可充式电池标准;IEEE 1625针对PC的可充式电池标准;
韩国 KC 标准:KC 62133(2015-07) ,韩国强制性准入要求。
亚洲 PSE 电池属于非特定电器,属于自愿性认证,须申请圆形PSE认证。
印度 BIS (IS 16046:2015),印度强制性准入要求。
澳洲 RCM 澳洲强制性准入要求,须提供CISPR 22报告和IEC 62133报告 注册RCM。








  • 3.2v和3.7v区别



  • 什么是高倍率电池?

High rate battery, 一般指的放电率高,放电电流大的电池,适用于无人机、航模、电动工具等大功率产品。