Chocolotey - Package Manager for Windows

Chocolotey - Package Manager for Windows

On Linux/*nix, we have apt-get to manage packages and softwares.
On Mac, we have brew.
Is there any equivalent for Windows?
Yes, it’s chocolatey.
With chocolatey, finding a package or software is no longer prohibitive in Windows, and also no need to worry about malwares or viruse.

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Overcome the Wall

Overcome the Wall

Living in China you just have to make a lot of effort to overcome the GFW(aka, Great Firewall).

Personally I strongly recommend Monocloud to accelerate network access in China. Running the client will start a proxy running on 7078 port based on TCP and UDP protocol. Meanwhile it also turns on proxy in internet settings:

Internet settings proxy

The following walkthrough presumes that you have started monocloud.

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SQL Debugging Records

Web socket

Web worker
Progressive Web Apps