Start dev server with HMR, aliases: vite dev, vite serve.
vite build
Build for production, files are output to ./dist.
vite preview
Locally preview production build, start a local web server serving built app from ./dist.
Dev server runs dev(default) in development mode and runs build in production mode, which means dev reads variables from and build reads variables from .env.production.
In the app, render title with import.meta.env.VITE_APP_TITLE.
Configuring Vite
When running vite from the command line, Vite will automatically try to resolve a config file named vite.config.js inside project root.
// vite.config.js exportdefault { base: '/', // basic public path when served in dev or production, for example '/foo/' plugins: [ Vue(), VueJsx() // Array of plugins to use. ], css: { preprocessorOptions: { scss: { additionalData: '$injectedColor: orange;' } // Speicify options to pass to CSS pre-processors. } }, resolve: { extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.ts'], // 导入模块时想要省略的扩展名,例如import './mod'会尝试导入'./mod.mjs', './mod.js', './mod.ts' alias: [ // Resolves path aliases to full path. { find: 'vue-i18n', replacement: 'vue-i18n/dist/vue-i18n.cjs.js' }, { find: /\@\//, replacement: `${pathResolve('src')}/` } ] }, build: { minify: 'terser', // boolean | 'terser' | 'esbuild'. Defaults to 'esbuild' which is 20~40 times faster than terser and only 1~2% worse compression. Set to false to disable minification. }, server: { port: 4000, // Server port, note that if being used, Vite will try the next port. proxy: { // custom proxy rules for the dev server, expects an object of '{key: option}' pairs. If key starts with ^, it will be interpreted as Regexp. It is node-http-proxy under the hood. // string shorthand '/foo': 'http://localhost:4567', // with options '/api': { target: '', changeOrigin: true, rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/api/, '') } } }, optimizeDeps: { // Read: include: [ // By default, linked packages not inside node_modules are not pre-bundled. Use this option to force a linked package to be pre-bundled. 'vue', 'vue-router' ] } }
If config needs to conditionally determine options based on the mode, or if it is an SSR build (ssrBuild), export a function instead: